Thoughts of a Princess

I am not really a princess...I only like to think I am. I am just a regular working girl who constantly lives in a fantasy world!

Location: Chattanooga, Southeast, United States

Ok, instead of telling you about me I am going to tell you my favorite tv shows because they didn't give me a place! Buffy, Angel, Roswell, Veronica Mars, the OC, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Lost, American Idol, Everwood, ok well basically the WB's whole network!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gilmore Girls

I am finally weeding my way through Gilmore Girls episodes. It is so hard to watch them right now. It is so sad to watch Rory and Lorelai fighting. And the other characters are good, but that is why they are supporting characters. But this episode was finally good. It was the one where Rory hosted the DAR party and then Emily and Richard found out how Logan's family treated Rory. Rory is amazing. She proved it even more in this episode. Richard is right she can do anything she puts her mind to and it will be great. I think Richard was the real star of this episode. He is so proud and protective of Rory. He wants her to do so good and he doesn't want anything to happen to her. Everyone was going on about Emily's speech (which was great) but I was more touched by Richard's words with Mitchem. He is defending his Rory. And the look that he gave her at then end was so sweet. She was up there shining on stage, being the Rory we all love, and he was so proud, and upset at Logan's family, and he knew that he has to get Rory back in school. He has to give her a purpose. When she wants to she can do anything. She just has no direction now.

How I Met Your Mother continues to be the best surprising comedy these days (Where is Scrubs, NBC?). The Haloween Episode was great. A great take off of a Charlie Brown without benig too cheesy or mocking. And it is smart and touching and interesting. This show has it all. Robin wanting to do things on her own...that is so me right now. I have my own way too! I don't want to share my dessert either! And the fact that they used Nada Surf at the end just confirmed that this is the best show on tv right now...well best new show.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill is actually better than it was last year. Haylie is back so that is good news. Everyone hates her, not good news. But she and Lucus are best friends again. It is like the Dawson and Joey years again. It is great. I kind of want them together now. They are cute together and it was be so interesting! But then again I am such a huge Nathan and Haylie fan so I am torn. I just love Haylie. she is the best character on that show...she is the Joey. That is why they shipped her off on tour last season and made us hate her so we can start liking Lucus again...But it is very good. I just wish everyone would leave poor Haylie alone. She followed her dreams. She didn't always do the right things. She is young and she got married while she was still in high school! I am surprised she didn't do more! Give her a break!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


3 episodes and I am out. I watched the first episode and I wasn't too impressed. It was pretty good, but not for a competetive time slot like Wed. 9. No one is ever going to see it. It would be great if it were on during the summer or on Monday Night when nothing I like is on, but it will drowned in this mess of sci-fi shows at this rate. In major danger of cancelation. Oh well, that just give the WB room to put on their much better midseason shows: Pepper Dennis and Bedford Falls...they looked much better than anything they have on the air right now.

Supernatural is apparently the WB's new hot show and though I like it the whole freak of the week thing is getting old. That is why I didn't like Smallville in the beginning. They need to up the storyline quick or I am going to lose interest. But cute guys, cute guys...

Ok that is finally it for the night...I am off to watch more TV so that I can have more write about. Final thought: I really do have a life. I promise. I am not as sad and obsessive as I sound. Go on over to Meg Cabot's blog and it sounds exactly like mine. And she is a famous author!

Veronica Mars and Beyond

After three episodes I have finally figured out what is wrong with Duncan and Veronica. He doesn't get her. He wants everything to be happy and normal again but this is neptune nothing is never normal not for Veronica Mars. Logan understands that because nothing is ever normal for him either. He like her Angel or Spike. Duncan is her Riley and as much as I loved Riley he didn't get Buffy either.

Logan and Veronica belong together. Most everyone else agrees. No contest. We want our LoVe back. Seeing Logan and Veronica fight is almost as bad as Rory and Lorelai fighting. Now that hurts my heart...I mean really. It really hurts to watch GG right now. And Veronica Mars.

That is why my two new favorite shows (other than How I met your mother) are Everwood and Grey's Antomy. Everwood is so happy and comforting without being annoying. Is real, but comfortable. And I am loving Hannah and Bright!!! Grey's Antomy is turning into one of my favorite shows ever. I loved the end of this week's episode when Burke got into bed and held Cristina. So sweet. Best scene ever. And putting Alex and Iz there a Roswell joke in there somewhere??? Hehehehe.

Speaking of Colin Hanks he is going to be guest starring on Numbers soon! We love our Colin Hanks!

How I Met Your Mother

Here it is (yes, my third post in one night) my favorite new show of the season: HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Oh my gosh. I like a CBS show...GASP! BTW, I also really like Ghost Whisperer...another GASP! So here I present 3 reasons why I love How I met your mother

1. The Theme Song-so light and happy and fun. I need to listen to that every morning when I wake up. It is an instant mood lifter. And the opening credits that go along with it make it even better. I declare that this is the best opening credits on tv right now...well except Gilmore Girls but that is an old standby favorite.

2. Neil Patrick Harris-Breakout role. Best. role. ever. Best character ever. He makes me laugh so hard. They say he is the new Kramer but I think he is funnier than Kramer because he is so normal yet the most aubsurd things come out of his mouth. There really has to be a quote of the week for Barney. He is the best.

3. Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal-Best. Couple. Ever. They are sweet without being too sweet. They have problems but not relationship ending problems. They are a real true couple who are willing to stay together no matter what. They love each other and they are committed to each other. And they have been through a lot together and they can still have fun together. And who can't fall in love with our dear good to see her on a show again!

The only complaint. Get rid of the scenes that bookend the show. The whole talking to the kids thing is really cheesy. Keep Bob Saget talking, but we know he is talking to his kids already. Do they have to keep showing them. They aren't very good actors. Sorry...

But BEST SHOW EVER...or this season anyways.

The Ditty Bops

Ok, now on to my new favorite band. The band that almost beat Nickel Creek the night of the concert...the Ditty Bops. I knew I had heard of them before...they had to be on some hip new WB show or something or if they hadn't they need to be. (I found out later they were on Grey's Anatomy, not WB but still hip) I didn't know much about them until they just happened to be having an in store performance at this great old used CD place called Grimey's (a Chris recommendation no less). We stuck around to hear them because we knew they were opening for Nickel Creek and we wanted to get a preview...and gosh...let me tell you...this is my band. If I had a band this is what it would be like. The Ditty Bops. The music is great and so much fun and so light and wimsical. They have this great 1920's feel. They were so fun. After the instore I was liking them but after the concert, I was loving them. At the concert, a man came out on stiltes in a tux and introduced them. He was very creepy. Very circus act. The girls came out in little outfits as well. They did silly things like have a fashion show with their tour merchendise and play drums on a washboard. And the expressiveness of their faces during the was like they were acting! And the pink haired girl Amanda even used to be an actress. So yes, I am going to start a band like the Ditty Bops and I am going on tour with Nickel Creek and Sean will fall instantly in love with me because I am so cute and fun...hehehehe. But yes, the perfect band for me. I almost liked them more than NC...I had to go out the next day and get their cd. The best part of their concert was the fact that Chris was standing backstage watching them in awe. He was loving! He really got into it. He came out at first putting his shoes on and then he stayed for the rest of the concert. He was entralled. He was watching it with a child-like enthusim. And when he came out to perform he had on a flannel shirt that he said was his "unintentional tribute to the Ditty Bops." He really loved them and so did I. And the best part all of their live shows are all on So I got to get all of the stuff that they played that wasn't on their album! YAY

Nickel Creek Concert

Finally, after months of waiting I got to see Nickel Creek...again. I know I know. I am a stupid obsessed fan. But it really really effects me...even before I get the tickets. Anticipation for getting the tickets, for getting the best seats. Then I get the tickets and the waiting begins. Anticipation. Excitment mounts. Finally, the day arrives. The day I am shot. I am thinking of nothing else...well mostly. But my goal is to get to the concert and get good seats or a standing place since most of their concerts are General Admission. I never thought I would want to stand up for hours and hours in a crowd just to see a band. I am not like that. I like my stuff watching Gilmore Girls laying in bed. But that day I am thinking of how I can get up front. How I can be as close to them as possible...and yes, again...stalker-ish sounding and a little obsessive...ok a lot obsessive. But really, I am normal. I promise. It is just what this band does to me. It is so weird. And it is only concert time. We get there and find the venue and I see him...Sean. Or as I like to call Seany Sean Sean. Yes, I realize that I have to continuely inturrupt my thoughts to assure you that I am not an obsessed stalker, but really I am not. These are just my deep down, nitty gritty thoughts...hello...journal! I would never ever post this on the message board. Matt would have me thrown off. And don't want to be thrown off. I love the message board! So as I was saying...I saw Sean outside of the venue getting stuff out of the bus. He looked so cute. And then I called him my Seany Sean Sean and Nathan thought I was stupid and weird. But hey, I like giving cutsy nicknames.

Then after getting something to eat and parking we finally made it back to the venue to stand in line. The concert didn't start until 8, but we got there at 6! And there was already a line...see I am not the only one. So once I found the right line I settled in...well not really because as I said before I am antsy all during that day. Making sure we got through eating in enough time, making sure we parked in enough time. Making sure I was in the right line. Making sure no one broke in front of me...but they usually don't. Nickel Creek Fans are so nice. So as I was waiting not so paitently, the doors opened an hour early! I was so happy that I could actually get in and get a place so soon! So I basically ran into the audience and parked myself right in front of stage left. Right in front of where I knew Sean would be standing! I could breathe a small sigh of relief. I was there and ready to rock out to so called "bluegrass music"

An hour later the opening act finally went on. More on that later on...Then finally I saw their outlines backstage waiting to come out. I saw the end of Sean's guitar and the outline of Sara's skirt. They were coming. They ran out on the stage to thunderous applause as usual..Chris was jumping up and down. So happy to be back in Nashville. I read later that the Atlanta concert was the biggest show they have ever played so our small crowd must have looked kind of wimpy. But it didn't show. They played all of the greats and some new stuff. They didn't talk a lot which disappointed me, but it was ok. Highlights of the show. Chris's coffee speech before Stumptown. Chris's USC song while describing their exciting win over Notre Dame. (We are going to be hearing about that on Monday's Regis and Kelly). Chris's excitement over his flannel shirt. It is so great that he gets so excited over the small things like wearing a good shirt. That is how I am. When I am down, I always say to myself. "Well, atleast I look really cute today." Sara looked amazing in her skirt that I loved. She and Sean both looked like they had lost weight. Good for them! And the best part of the whole concert: SEAN of course. Sean Sean Sean. Somebody More Like You was like the best performance he has ever done. He needs to record an album of bitter angry love songs and go on tour by himself and do exactly what he did at that concert. I would quit my job and follow him all over the US. Angry, emotional, heart-wrenching, DANG Sexy! And the fact that I was right there at his feet made it that much better. So great. I was so close I could reach out and grab his leg. I could read the label on his shirt (it was bilbong of course). I was so close he kept almost hitting me in the head with his guitar and almost stepping on my hands that were drapped on the stage. He broke his guitar string and the peg almost hit me. A guy beside me got his attention and gave it back to him. That is a true NC fan. Most other band fans would keep it as a souviner...but not NC fans. And the best part of the night...really...all of the gratuitious Sean butt shots I got. He kept bending down in front of me or turning around. And really, it was like right in my face. I could have grabbed it. But that would have been bad. I would have felt like Lane on Gilmore Girls when her hormones got away from her and she ran her hands through Mitch's hair that time. So I refrained....but really do you think I would do that...well judging from this blog...yes, but I am really REALLY not like that! But I did enjoy the view.

So overall a good concert. Not one of their best. I think they are getting bigger with this tour. The lighting was a bit too much and the new songs sounded like the album versions for the most part. But maybe once they have a chance to get nice and comfortable and bored with the way they are playing them then they will mix them up!

After the concer I didn't get to stay around and talk but I won't get into that.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Veronica Mars

My favorite show. The New Buffy. THE. BEST. SHOW. EVER. So I was pretty excited to watch the season opener...why I am just watching it don't ask...but I finally did.

On the one hand I was kind of disappointed. I kind of expected it, but I am still sad. I knew that Duncan or Logan would be at the door. They already said that. I didn't want this show to just be about the love triangle. This is not Dawson's Creek. But yet, that is what this reminds me of. Dawson's Creek with conspiracy and murder. Veronica has become our new fickle pickle. Duncan then Logan, then Duncan then Logan. Make up your mind. She is Joey Potter (minus the Tom Cruise baby) and we have Dawson (Duncan) and then Logan is so obviously Pacey. He is even having the affair with the older women (which is so OC by the way) and he is doing all of those descructive behaviors screwed up guys do when they are dumped by the only women they will really ever love. We could even compare her to Felicity, the orginial fickle pickle. Veronica gets back together with Logan so quickly and then just as quick has an insta-relationship with Duncan. She said it was a few weeks, sure. But in TV time that is a 1 minute music montage. You are better than this! I love Dawson and OC and One Tree Hill, but Veronica Mars is not that type of show. It is better than that. I don't want it to be all about the love triangle that everyone takes sides over. Petey then Colby then Petey then Colby...even Dawson's Creek made fun of that Joey fickleness. Blah.

So whose side am I on? Logan. I will always love Logan. Which is weird because I usaually go for the Duncan character. But Logan and Veronica is why I fell in love with this show. It is what made it my favorite. It is what gave the show heart. Like Pacey and Joey (since they are using the Dawson formula) Veronica and Logan are both classic scrappy underdogs.

I think they run a big risk doing a lot of flashbacks. We never really get to know Veronica and Duncan together. We never got to care about them. All the scenes were cloudy flashbacks in Veronicas mind and the mind can play tricks on you. I think that ulitimately Duncan is better for Veronica. She does seem happier with him. Maybe we would like them together. Maybe we would have seen how unhappy she was with Logan, but we only saw short flashbacks so we never got the chance. I think if they had actually started the show back from the moment it ended and went from there without flashbacks we would have really started to see something. And they could have had a show. From the flashbacks it looks like a ton of stuff happened! And we would have really got to know what really happened during the summer. But maybe we aren't supposed to. Even though there were things I didn't like about the show, I trust Rob Thomas to make it good. Because if the majority of the show made me doubt, the ending made me remember why this show is so good.

The ending...I could write a whole entry on the ending. The music, the way they lead into the scene, it all worked. It was one of those rare moments in tv and movies when the music and the scene work so well together it defies any meaning. It intensives any feeling you were having. It is like they read your mind and saw that that was the song that you were feeling...even if you have never heard it. The music just makes the scene work so much better than if they had just played a score. It was like you could really tell that they had filmed the scene to that particular song. I can't describe it. You will have to watch it.

Oh and the song: Ashes by Embrace...sooo good. perfect. just like the show. Even if I had many many problems with the show, they followed my theory, one that Joss Whedon uses quite often on Buffy. No matter how bad the rest of the show is make the ending great and no one will remember. And not that the rest of the show was that bad, it was just the ending was THAT good.

I can't wait to see the next episode. This is HUGE!

Monday, October 03, 2005

TV for the week

Haven't been on for awhile...long stupid horrible story that I would really rather forget about now and move on. So moving on to the wonderful tv this week.

First of all, I am taking back my tivo. It really has gotten a mind of its own with all of the shows I have on season pass. Dawson's Creek, Roswell, Buffy, Angel...etc. I mean I even recorded Passions everyday! And I also decided to give up some of the new shows. Threshold is very good. Great. But it is really not for me. If there wasn't a lot else on, sure, but there are too many other shows for me to watch. I need to be choosy. TV does not rule my life. I also gave up Numbers for the sole (ok, maybe not sole) reason that David Krumholtz's hair doesn't look as good this year...I know shallow, but the show is just all freak of the week stuff. Not a whole lot of continuity. Like I said...choosy. Sex, Lies and Secrets...ok, not great...delete season pass.

I am getting sick of Reunion. Erica has already given up on it and I am fast approaching. But like everyone keeps saying. It is horribe and you want to stop watching it...but you can't. North Shore syndrome. Hey...Amanda Rigetti...take the hint...go back to Newport.

Ok onto the good shows.

EVERWOOD, oh Everwood. Oh how we love thee. It is like the new gilmore girls. It justs makes you so happy and makes you smile and feel good all over. Gilmore Girls still does that on occasion, but with the Gilmore Girl rift it is just depressing. I mean it actually hurts me to watch the show right now...but not Everwood. Bright and Hannah...YAY!!!! Love them. And I love Dr. Dimples. I am glad Nina is with him. I love Andy, but he really is so moody and stupid sometimes...hey like father like son. But Not Dr. Dimples. He is there for Nina and he loves her so much. He is the sweetest and greatest guy ever. He like her Riley. The wedding was predictable...but what were they going to do? Go all One Tree Hill and have Bright and Hannah get married?? Nope, good ole almost predictable, yet very real Everwood. Oh and LOVE Amy's new hair! I want my hair to do that!

Commandar and Chief-good pilot. I don't think I will watch the show, but great pilot. Very moving and dramatic. Very good set up. And Kyle Secor as the First Gentleman is so great. He is my favorite character. He is such a contridiction of sorts. Great show, but my tivo can't handle it.

the Apprentices: Martha: Getting better thanks to Toby the new Sam or Omorosa that we love to hate. He is so scheming and manipulative. And everyone knows it. The canidates are great and very crazy and love to argue and fight. But Martha is still floundering. She doesn't have enough pompous to be the leader of this crew. She doesn't act as powerful, even if she is. But the canidates are really making this show dramatic and exciting! And does anyone else think that Martha's rewards suck? Planting a garden? Please. Donald gives much better prizes even when he let the winning team sing with Billy that was bad.

Trump: We still love you. Great show. I love it. The women rocked and the men had a great concept, but bad follow through. And I could have told the leader that bringing back in only Marcus was a bad move. Have we learned nothing from past shows? The crucial decision is who you bring into the board room! Marcus was not responible for the loss. He is a mess, but it wasn't his fault. He didn't even agree with it! Bad decision. So after two shows down, it is neck and neck. I still think that that Apprentice Burnout is coming though.

Next, hopefully...Veronica Mars