Veronica Mars
My favorite show. The New Buffy. THE. BEST. SHOW. EVER. So I was pretty excited to watch the season opener...why I am just watching it don't ask...but I finally did.
On the one hand I was kind of disappointed. I kind of expected it, but I am still sad. I knew that Duncan or Logan would be at the door. They already said that. I didn't want this show to just be about the love triangle. This is not Dawson's Creek. But yet, that is what this reminds me of. Dawson's Creek with conspiracy and murder. Veronica has become our new fickle pickle. Duncan then Logan, then Duncan then Logan. Make up your mind. She is Joey Potter (minus the Tom Cruise baby) and we have Dawson (Duncan) and then Logan is so obviously Pacey. He is even having the affair with the older women (which is so OC by the way) and he is doing all of those descructive behaviors screwed up guys do when they are dumped by the only women they will really ever love. We could even compare her to Felicity, the orginial fickle pickle. Veronica gets back together with Logan so quickly and then just as quick has an insta-relationship with Duncan. She said it was a few weeks, sure. But in TV time that is a 1 minute music montage. You are better than this! I love Dawson and OC and One Tree Hill, but Veronica Mars is not that type of show. It is better than that. I don't want it to be all about the love triangle that everyone takes sides over. Petey then Colby then Petey then Colby...even Dawson's Creek made fun of that Joey fickleness. Blah.
So whose side am I on? Logan. I will always love Logan. Which is weird because I usaually go for the Duncan character. But Logan and Veronica is why I fell in love with this show. It is what made it my favorite. It is what gave the show heart. Like Pacey and Joey (since they are using the Dawson formula) Veronica and Logan are both classic scrappy underdogs.
I think they run a big risk doing a lot of flashbacks. We never really get to know Veronica and Duncan together. We never got to care about them. All the scenes were cloudy flashbacks in Veronicas mind and the mind can play tricks on you. I think that ulitimately Duncan is better for Veronica. She does seem happier with him. Maybe we would like them together. Maybe we would have seen how unhappy she was with Logan, but we only saw short flashbacks so we never got the chance. I think if they had actually started the show back from the moment it ended and went from there without flashbacks we would have really started to see something. And they could have had a show. From the flashbacks it looks like a ton of stuff happened! And we would have really got to know what really happened during the summer. But maybe we aren't supposed to. Even though there were things I didn't like about the show, I trust Rob Thomas to make it good. Because if the majority of the show made me doubt, the ending made me remember why this show is so good.
The ending...I could write a whole entry on the ending. The music, the way they lead into the scene, it all worked. It was one of those rare moments in tv and movies when the music and the scene work so well together it defies any meaning. It intensives any feeling you were having. It is like they read your mind and saw that that was the song that you were feeling...even if you have never heard it. The music just makes the scene work so much better than if they had just played a score. It was like you could really tell that they had filmed the scene to that particular song. I can't describe it. You will have to watch it.
Oh and the song: Ashes by Embrace...sooo good. perfect. just like the show. Even if I had many many problems with the show, they followed my theory, one that Joss Whedon uses quite often on Buffy. No matter how bad the rest of the show is make the ending great and no one will remember. And not that the rest of the show was that bad, it was just the ending was THAT good.
I can't wait to see the next episode. This is HUGE!
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