One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill is actually better than it was last year. Haylie is back so that is good news. Everyone hates her, not good news. But she and Lucus are best friends again. It is like the Dawson and Joey years again. It is great. I kind of want them together now. They are cute together and it was be so interesting! But then again I am such a huge Nathan and Haylie fan so I am torn. I just love Haylie. she is the best character on that show...she is the Joey. That is why they shipped her off on tour last season and made us hate her so we can start liking Lucus again...But it is very good. I just wish everyone would leave poor Haylie alone. She followed her dreams. She didn't always do the right things. She is young and she got married while she was still in high school! I am surprised she didn't do more! Give her a break!
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