How I Met Your Mother
Here it is (yes, my third post in one night) my favorite new show of the season: HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Oh my gosh. I like a CBS show...GASP! BTW, I also really like Ghost Whisperer...another GASP! So here I present 3 reasons why I love How I met your mother
1. The Theme Song-so light and happy and fun. I need to listen to that every morning when I wake up. It is an instant mood lifter. And the opening credits that go along with it make it even better. I declare that this is the best opening credits on tv right now...well except Gilmore Girls but that is an old standby favorite.
2. Neil Patrick Harris-Breakout role. Best. role. ever. Best character ever. He makes me laugh so hard. They say he is the new Kramer but I think he is funnier than Kramer because he is so normal yet the most aubsurd things come out of his mouth. There really has to be a quote of the week for Barney. He is the best.
3. Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal-Best. Couple. Ever. They are sweet without being too sweet. They have problems but not relationship ending problems. They are a real true couple who are willing to stay together no matter what. They love each other and they are committed to each other. And they have been through a lot together and they can still have fun together. And who can't fall in love with our dear good to see her on a show again!
The only complaint. Get rid of the scenes that bookend the show. The whole talking to the kids thing is really cheesy. Keep Bob Saget talking, but we know he is talking to his kids already. Do they have to keep showing them. They aren't very good actors. Sorry...
But BEST SHOW EVER...or this season anyways.
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