Thoughts of a Princess

I am not really a princess...I only like to think I am. I am just a regular working girl who constantly lives in a fantasy world!

Location: Chattanooga, Southeast, United States

Ok, instead of telling you about me I am going to tell you my favorite tv shows because they didn't give me a place! Buffy, Angel, Roswell, Veronica Mars, the OC, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Lost, American Idol, Everwood, ok well basically the WB's whole network!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Coffee and Tea

I went to get coffee and decided to tea today. Except the tea that I wanted was the leaves without the tea bag so I wasn’t sure how to do it. Usually you brew it in a pot, but this didn’t work that way. I wasn’t sure. I tried it and ended up making a big mess. I am having tea and scones tonight at Bible Study so that is exciting. Very English! Maybe that is why I am wearing my old English skirt! Which, by the way, I got a compliment on today! Some of the ladies really liked the lace around it. It made me so happy. I am so cute! Hehehehe.

But the coffee I got was good. I put a little Irish Crème in it. Maybe it will make a little tipsy so I can make it through the rest of today…

Office Wear

I wore my favorite new skirt from B Moss today with my favorite new boots that I searched everywhere for. So cute. I even found my favorite scarf. I love this skirt. It has this great old England feel to it, but it has this great French touch with the lace around the bottom and pair it with the boots…well, I feel like dancing in the Moulin Rouge! I feel pretty, oh so pretty…

That is such a great movie. It was like Baz Lurmann read my mind when he made that movie….except for the whole dying thing in the end, but I just turn the movie off before that happens. It was dramatic and romantic and it was also funny and silly in all of the right places. It wasn’t traditional. And it had music! Great music…that they stole from pop artists and made it their own, but that is another reason why it is so me! It was very non-traditional with a kick. It was like I made this movie from the images in my head…

Office Chairs

The chairs here are awful. I should really just have my own chair that I take with me from job to job…but that might give the wrong impression. Plus it would be hard to lug around. I am going to have permanent back problems because of it. I should sit up straight I guess, but that is so hard. Especially when I am so bored…

More Musak

Oh my gosh, the musak station is playing One Day More from Le Miz! That is just wrong…but yet I can’t help but sing along with it. Stupid musak…

Work Sounds

I went to the bathroom and everyone seems to be working away all over. And I am sure that I will be busy later on, but right now I am bored. I got my email signature set up. That is always fun. I made it really basic this time. Very lawyery.

This musak is driving me crazy. One of the girls came up here and complained about the country musak, but really it is just all musak. Now if they played the actual songs it might be okay, but musak is really the bane of the music industry. The watered-down version of the actual song. I would even prefer soft rock, Kenny G, John Tesh (the devil), crap. This is not even real music. If only I could listen to my ipod. But that wouldn’t be very professional of me…

Working out

I hate to be one of these super motivated dieter because that is what I was before and I couldn’t keep it up. I am just trying to eat better and be more creative with healthy food. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to change everything. I am just watching what I eat.

I am pretty motivated about working out though. I always have been. Even at Randy’s. I pay for it and it is important to me. It is going to be hard to get to my class at 5:45 when I don’t get off here until 5:30. It is majorly stressing me out.

Yesterday was really bad. It was my first day and I was already stressed out and then it was raining and the interstate was backed up and Brainerd Rd wasn’t much better. I was 20 minutes late getting there. I usually miss most of the abs at 5:30, but I am missing a lot of the actual class now. I am going to have to find away to do this.


There is just new orange juice on the market made from fish. They say it has a lot of Omega-3 in it. Whatever that means…they tasted it on the news and actually liked it. Sounds weird...

That might be what they need to use since the orange crop has been destroyed by frost in California. Can you believe that…sunny California? I guess I should buy up all of the orange juice I can now…of course I really don’t drink it that much. I am on a grape juice kick right now. It is 100% juice! Natural sugars. That is supposed to be better for you.

Blogging Bored

I am feeling very Pam right now. I just started a new receptionist job and I am bored to death. Right now all I do is answer the phones. Fun…I have never been one to like talking on the phone, but I am getting paid well and it is only 5 minutes from my house so that is nice.

But borrowing a line from Joey Potter “I kind of made it a point not to learn secretarial skill.” I can’t make coffee. I have trouble multi-tasking, and I am not good with people skills. Oh there is the phone…Hold please…

But I just read an article on the methods of The Office. Turns out that there life is a lot like mine, only they win awards for sitting around doing nothing. The cast was asked what they do to pass the time. Most of the played games for kept blogs. Again, kind of like me…