My current obsession
Ok, so you remember the last post about being all adult and not caring so much about tv? Yeah, forget that.
The OC started back last month and it has completely changed my life. It is so good! It is really the most improved show..ever. I don't really remember a show coming back so well after being such a dissapointment for so long.
The new Summer (but still infused with a little of the old) is great, and the Lolita-like Katlian is so much fun, but the real reason this show has me so excited is because of the greatest couple in history...even better than Romeo and Juliet....Taylor and Ryan. It is like the writers were reading our minds! I remember saying that they would be great together last year!
Ryan has always been around such drama in relationships...Marissa was always dragging him into something. And yes, Taylor has her own sets of drama, but it is just taken a little less seriously. It is back to the OC we always knew and loved. It is soap opera that doesn't know it's a soap opera!
I never imagined that Taylor and Ryan would be this good. The sweet kisses, the extremely funny expressions that Ryan has been is like this pairing has breathed new life into Ben McKenzie's protrayal of Mr. Atwood. It is most enjoyable.
Now the big problem is will it last. The show is in one of the worst (no actually it is the worst) on TV. If they could only somehow put American Idol on against them then it really would be complete. So it is time for the OC's small but loyal fan base to speak out and let old fans that the OC is good again. We may not be able to see it much longer.