The Great Waste
Do you realize how much time we waste on the internet? Just look at all of the sites out there...trillions of them that really don't mean anything. I am as guilty as anyone, but it just occured to me...think of all of the things I could be doing when I am not on the internet.
College students I believe are the worst....I know I was. My roommate and I used to sit for hours in between classes and late into the night talking to our "Roswell" buddies (the show, not actual aliens or anything...but if Hottie Max Evans wanted to talk to me I wouldn't push the ignore button) or watching Buffy-inspired music videos. And don't even get me started on fanfic.
And it just seems to be getting worse. Myspace, Facebook, Youtube...some of the most popular sites on the web these days and it is basically just to waste time. Do we really need to see a dog pooping in the toilet? Or a fan's impression of the light saber scene from Return of the Jedi? Do you even need to be reading this blog right now? Do I even need to be writing this right now?
It just amazes me how fast time goes by when you sit on the internet. I hate it...I really do...yet I can't stop myself. When I can't think of anything to do or I am just too lazy to do anything else, there is the computer with the superfast internet.
As appalling as it sounds, things might have been better when the internet wasn't so fast. Sure it took hours to upload a picture, but in that time you were waiting for a page to load you could do your homework, feed the dog, clean your room, fix a sandwich...the internet wasn't so immediate. And like everything in our society today, the internet has joined the ranks with McDonalds, Microwaves, and Must See Tivos-we want it faster, bigger, better, and we want it NOW!
Welcome to the future...
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