Thoughts of a Princess

I am not really a princess...I only like to think I am. I am just a regular working girl who constantly lives in a fantasy world!

Location: Chattanooga, Southeast, United States

Ok, instead of telling you about me I am going to tell you my favorite tv shows because they didn't give me a place! Buffy, Angel, Roswell, Veronica Mars, the OC, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Lost, American Idol, Everwood, ok well basically the WB's whole network!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Palmatto Pointe

Palmatto Pointe had all the makings of a great new WB drama. Created by the producers of Dawson's Creek and staring actors from the WB genepool (One Tree Hill and Dawson's Creek), this new show should have been the next Dawson's Creek. But the problem is that the WB already has the new Dawson's Creek. It is called One Tree Hill. It is even filmed on the same set..go figure. So Palmatto Pointe, which could have been better than One Tree Hill had it been on the right network. But Palmatto Pointe was resigned to the former PAX network, "I". It is some new independent channel. You think "independent" means low budget and not as pretty as the WB but the quality of the material has to be great! But it is not. Not by a long shot.

The more I watched this show...trying to give it a chance...the more it disappointed me. I tried to tell myself it was because they didn't have the WB type money to get real Hollywood actors who act and talk like model. They didn't have enough money to fade the songs out as the actors were speaking. But I think that this show was relegated to the "I" network for a sucks.

The actors are likable and cute enough. But they all have horrible southern accents. They are real...but do you really want to hear that all the time on tv? I am a southerner, so I understand how we come I would want to have some sort of voice lessons before I went to Hollywood. An all southern cast with real accents sounds cool, but in reality it is hard on the ears. It makes us southerners sound awful! And don't even get me started on the actors...they couldn't act if it saved their life. And even the amazing actors from Dawson's Creek, who were so great on there, flounders on this show. I don't know if it is the actors or the words they are saying (which make George Lucas's dialogue look like Shakespeare).

And then there are the camera angles. A problem I thought was the low budget, but while the grimy quality of the show may be the money's fault, it certainly doesn't get the blame for the juvinile camera angles. It almost seems like a home movie! You can atleast get a camera man who knows what he is doing!

And then there is the music. The music is great. Dawson's Creek type music. They always come up with the best music...but you can't hear it! The actors are talking over the music and the music is covering the inane dialogue that the actors are saying. I understand they might not be able to fade the music out while the actors are talking, but they could have atleast waited for a long pause to start the music up or even just have instrumental music in the background. Or they could do music in montages...oh wait scratch that...they did sucked.

I really don't understand the problem with this show. It had all the makings of a good show! Even if the show kind of sucked I usually like it. I love guilty pleasure things! I live for those! Look at Beautiful People, another Dawson's Creek produced show on ABC family, That show is better than this show. And people have been panning that show!

I had thought about giving this show one more week, but I am not I really want to waste another hour of my time when I could be watching quality television??? No.

Speaking of quality television. My parents watched that new show Prison Break (the "best new drama of the season) and they loved it! They both rarely like something that much. So I am a little bit more excited about checking it out. I mean, I was hesitant about watching Veronica Mars last season and look how much I love it now...and I was there from the beginning...everyone has just jumped on the bandwagon.


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