Katrina Locally
Ok, so Katrina has made it's way up here and it is not pretty. Rain and wind mostly. Very windy. The power went out last night around 3 and flickered on and off the rest of the night. I was hot and the AC went off with the power so that wasn't fun. And the most annoying thing was the battery backup to my tivo was beeping. I had to turn it off in the dark without my contacts! And it was behind my TV..not fun.
It was hard to sleep too because the wind howled so bad. It was kind of scary. I kept hearing the wind chimes and stuff getting blown around outside. I know it was nothing compared to the horror that the people in New Orleans and Miss. experienced, but it was still scary.
The power came back on aroudn 5 and I was going to get up and walk, but then it went off again. Oh well, a good excuse not to walk then. The power was still out at 6 so I had to take a shower in the dark. But thank goodness the power came back on in time for me to dry my hair otherwise I would have a wet head at work.
Driving to work was ok. The wind wasn't as bad as I expected it...so I just hope everyone else is safe and secure whereever they are.
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